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Politics and Strategy

Why do nation-states behave as they do? What makes one state a potential ally, another an adversary and a third a partner of convenience? How is it that two states are the best of pals in one international forum and yet at loggerheads with each other at another? What drives states to cooperate and coexist but also to enter into armed conflicts or design norms and regulations to target others? Is it geography, historic relations, cultural affinity or downright pragmatism that rules the roost? Or is it a mixture of all this and much more? 


How can one political entity in a state see a particular global figure, economic system or institution as a panacea for all its problems, while another party sees the same as the root of all evil? How much does the quality of leadership or the personal affinity (or lack thereof) between two world leaders matter in international relations? Is it the structure of the international system, the presence of multilateral institutions or the whims, fancies and magnanimity of the biggest states which drives the world order? 

Can there even be any definitive answers to these questions? Articles in this section shall make an attempt to answer any, some or most of these questions however best they can. Welcome to the confusing world of international politics and strategy. We hope you like what you see. Happy reading!

Tobias Südhölter

29 October 2023

Europe is coming under increasing economic and social strain due to an ever-increasing migrant influx. EU member-states have been deliberating on a common migration and asylum policy to introduce stricter border control measures. However, conflicting interests among the 27 member-states has made consensus building extremely difficult.

Migrant Influx: Can Europe Reach A Compromise?

Abhyuday Saraswat

24 August 2023

Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought several wars to assert their claims over the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh over the past several decades. After its recapture by Azerbaijan in September 2023, a newly self-declared government has announced that the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh will simply cease to exist by January 2024.

Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan’s Blitz Flares Up Historic Tensions Again

Tobias Südhölter

1 October 2023

The EU’s ambitious climate policy has been widely criticised. While the civil society feels the governments are not doing enough, member-states such as Poland are completely opposed to climate directives from Brussels. This has led to a multiplicity of lawsuits before the European courts in recent times.

Road to Climate Neutrality: EU Leadership Needs to Manage Expectations, Build Consensus

Ishita Maity

23 September 2023

The NPT bans the transfer of nuclear weapons, materials or technology to a non-nuclear weapon state. It allows for transfer of nuclear materials and technology for peaceful uses, which are generally considered to be for civilian nuclear energy generation. Whether this can be interpreted to also include naval propulsion for military submarines is a contentious issue, a loophole exploited by the USA, UK and Australia to execute the AUKUS deal.

Implications of AUKUS on Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime

Abhyuday Saraswat

19 September 2023

The Camp David bore witness to the birth of yet another historic diplomatic masterstroke in August 2023. Capitalizing on the recent rapprochement between Japan and South Korea, Washington has skillfully crafted a trilateral security cooperation framework to counter China. How could this shape the idea of a free and open Indo-Pacific?

US, Japan, S Korea Security Alliance Bears Hallmarks of an Asian NATO

B. Poornima

10 September 2023

The Strait of Hormuz situated in the Persian Gulf holds tremendous significance for the global energy supply chains. Iran’s naval forces have recently been engaging in harassing and seizing commercial and military vessels traversing through the region. The situation is escalating fast as the USA and its allies are increasing their military build-up in the Gulf.

Seizure, Swagger and Sea Denial: Iran and the Strait of Hormuz

Ishita Maity

4 September 2023

The Nuclear Supplier’s Group originated nearly five decades ago with India firmly in its crosshairs after conducting its first nuclear test. Today, most of the original seven NSG members are the leading supporters of India’s bid to gain entry into the same grouping. What does India to stand to gain from an NSG membership?

From Pariah to Belle of the Ball: India and the NSG

Uday Nitin Patil

9 August 2023

​The USA-China Science and Technology Agreement (STA), first agreed in 1979, is up for renewal by 27 August. The agreement, which has been renewed every five years since, has met with strong opposition from various quarters in the U.S. legislature and even in the executive branches. As yet, there has been no clear insight into the Joe Biden administration’s intent regarding the extension. With elections due next year, how the USA deals with this issue is shaping up as a fascinating flashpoint regarding how tough President Biden is willing to be on China.

Walking the Talk: Should Biden Govt Cancel Decades Old S&T Pact With China?

Yashika Sharma

7 August 2023

The ongoing war in Ukraine is just the latest theater where modern-day information warfare is playing out. As the conflict persists, people all over the world are relying on media outlets to get the latest information of the ground realities. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between factual reportage and propaganda masquerading as news.

Lights, Camera, Propaganda: Information Warfare in Ukraine War

Ardra R

24 July 2023

Diplomatic ties between India and Israel have existed for over three decades now. Defence sector cooperation has been the cornerstone of this relationship. Through thick and thin, Israel has proved to be a dependable partner for India’s growing ambitions. More Indo-Israeli joint ventures can not only help meet India’s goals of self-reliance, they can also emerge as prominent players in the global defence industry.

Israel, a Dependable Partner in India’s Aatma Nirbhar Ambitions

Abhyuday Saraswat

4 July 2023

India and Vietnam have a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in which defence and security cooperation plays a central role. Both states have growing reservations about China’s aggressive intent in the Indo-Pacific region. The potential for India-Vietnam ties to be a strategic deterrent against threats to regional stability has perhaps never been greater.

India-Vietnam Defence Ties a Pillar for Indo-Pacific Stability

Abhyuday Saraswat

26 May 2023

Russia has reportedly won the symbolic Battle of Bakhmut, as Wagner mercenaries bid a slightly unpleasant adieu to their Russian comrades. A focal point in the Russia-Ukraine war, the Battle of Bakhmut has been termed a ‘meatgrinder’. In winning the same, Russia has employed an array of tactics purportedly dictated by the Gerasimov Doctrine.

Post-Bakhmut, What is Russia’s Endgame in Ukraine?

Vishal Mishra

26 May 2023

A review of “The Next Stop: Natural Gas and India’s Journey to a Clean Energy Future,” edited by Vikram Singh Mehta. The book presents natural gas as an ideal option for India on its path to a clean energy transition. It highlights uniquely Indian complexities of implementing a large-scale energy transition and outlines current trends in the global natural gas economy.

Natural Gas: The ‘Next Stop’ on India’s Energy Transition Path

Sharad Joseph Mahendar

18 May 2023

China’s technological footprint around the globe is now more than palpable, having seemingly taken a leaf out of the US’ playbook. Just as Uncle Sam has doubled down on S&T partnerships in the Far East and the Indo-Pacific, China has accelerated a series of carefully crafted engagements in Latin America, disconcertingly so for the USA.

Dragon in the American Backyard: China’s tech forays into Latin America

Kiran Mohan Vazhapully

5 May 2023

The New Space Race is rapidly transforming the landscape of space exploration in the 21st Century. As a major space power, India too has been closely watching the developments in the arena. India has now introduced a bold new space policy that represents a concrete step towards enhancing collaboration, innovation and international cooperation.

India's Space Policy 2023: Keeping Pace with Growing Space Aspirations

Radhika Shaw

25 April 2023

Richard Wagner was a 19th Century opera composer who was Adolf Hitler’s favourite musician. 140 years after Wagner’s death, a mercenary group named after him is doing Russia’s bidding in Ukraine.

Wagner Group: Russia’s Wildcard in Ukraine

Vineeth Krishnan

1 November 2022

Through cutting-edge investments in high-technology, the UAE seeks to project itself as an emerging, dynamic hub of all things ‘gen-next’. The path to reshaping its identity from that of just another oil-rich Gulf state necessitates some bold choices. Commissioning the Barakah nuclear facility is one such roll of the dice.

Arabian Nights, Now Nuclear Powered

Anupama Vijayakumar

1 November 2022

The assassination of Shinzo Abe has been presented as a fallout of the Liberal Democratic Party’s ties with the Unification Church. But how much did Abe’s divisive views on Japan’s military resurgence contribute to this maelstrom? An in-depth look at the growing fissures in Japan’s society.

Abe's Vision for a Resurgent Japan May Have Led to Demise

Vineeth Krishnan

1 November 2022

India is today a responsible great power. However, 2022 posed unprecedented challenges regarding how India will deal with its friends when they step out of line. With great power comes great responsibility and in IR, this necessitates India hold the USA and Russia accountable for disturbing global peace and stability.

Can Responsible Power India Hold Friends Accountable?

StraTechos is a website produced by Trivium Think Tank. It explores the linkages between advances in science and technology and the strategic choices of nations. The website is committed to presenting these issues in a simple, yet coherent manner. ST intends to present opportunities for early-career researchers to voice their opinions and welcomes such contributions.

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